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SI Club Merania - Timeline

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

19.10.2020 - Handover of Responsibilities

Handover of responsibilities between outgoing president Maria Rita Chiaramonte and the new president Irene Longobardi.

15.09.2020 - Admission of New Member

Admission of new member Renate König to Soroptimist Club Merania. In the photo: incoming president Irene Longobardi (left), Renate König, and president Maria Rita Chiaramonte.

31.10.2019 - Soroptimist Italy Award to Monika Hauser

Under the presidency of Maria Rita Chiaramonte, Soroptimist Club Merania presents the Soroptimist Italy Award 2019-2020 to the founder of the World Medical Organization, Monika Hauser.

18.02.2019 - Admission of New Member

From left to right: President Maria Rita Chiaramonte, Rosanna Pruccoli, new member Elisabeth Mairhofer, and Carla Zanfrà.

October 15, 2018 - Maria Teresa Cadorin hands over the presidency to Maria Rita Chiaramonte

Left to right: Maria Rita Chiaramonte receives the 'Charter' from Past President Maria Teresa Cadorin and will serve as President until October 2020.

January 15, 2018 - Report by Our Soror Dr. Dagmar Pedri Club

Meeting with a report by our Soror Dr. Dagmar Pedri on age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

September 25, 2017 - Admission of Four New Sorores

Christine Gamper, Judith Ladurner, Magdalena Ladurner, and Cristina Laurenza were admitted as members of the Merania Club during a festive evening at the Hotel Castel Rundegg.

October 2017 - Monika Gamper hands over her presidency to Maria Teresa Cadorin

Monika Gamper hands over her presidency to Maria Teresa Cadorin.

We congratulate our Soror Carla Zanfrà for her appointment as National Vice-President 2015-2017 during the National Council held recently in Gardone. A great honor for our young club.

May 6-8, 2016 - 10 Years Soroptimist Club Merania

Celebrating 10 years of Soroptimist Club Merania.

(Additional information is provided to download the program and registration form.)


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