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International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

The Merania club commemorated this day with three initiatives:

  • The "Occupied Seat": a chair displayed in the most significant places in the city, covered with a red cloth, symbolizing that the seat could be occupied by a woman who, due to femicide, is no longer there, no longer alive.

  • Candlelight Vigil organized by the City Network (different services and institutions working against gender-based violence) along the streets of Merano. Some Sorores participated to strongly and decisively say NO to violence against women. The lit candle carried by the participants is a symbol of light and hope against all forms of destabilizing violence.

  • In our club, Dr. Marion Lunardon, an operator from "La Strada - Der Weg," a service for equal opportunities, gave a presentation on "Listening, assistance, training, and employment integration" for women who have suffered from violence and experienced loneliness and psychological and social destabilization.

  • In collaboration with La Casa Delle donne di Merano (The House of Women in Merano), the Soroptimist club financially supports three women who have experienced abuse. The activity, conducted by specialized women, provides emotional support, self-awareness, vocational training, and integration into the workforce, with long-term support.

  • 10th Anniversary of the foundation of our Merania club with a retrospective, presentation of a publication, and a report by Prof. Rita Franceschini (Free University of Bolzano) at Villa San Maroc. Anniversary dinner with our friends and the President of SI Unione Italiana, Leila Picco, at Castel Rametz. Additional photos on

Soroptimist Club Merania and the Association "Donne contro la violenza/Casa delle donne" present the "empowerment for women" project aimed at victims of violence. The goal is to empower them for reintegration into the workforce. Additionally, Soroptimist Club Merania presents the "occupied seat" project.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, our club joins the "One Occupied Seat" and "Orange the World" initiatives by coloring the dome of the Kurhaus in Merano orange. Supporting our actions is Austrian State President Alexander Van der Bellen, who is a guest in the city for a meeting with President Sergio Mattarella.

"Occupied Seat": a chair displayed in the most significant locations in the city (e.g., in the City Council chamber and the Civic Library) to highlight how that seat, covered with a red cloth, symbolizes a woman who is no longer there, who no longer lives due to femicide.


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